Friday, 4 March 2016

Update - Guess who's back?

Well, well, well, look what we have here. A blog started off with good intentions, neglected and forgotten. Well, no more say I! I'm announcing my official (and hopefully more permanent) return to blogging!

This is down to a few things really. Firstly, I have faaar too many projects to be working through (mainly in the 40k department, but we'll of course still be covering other games and such) Secondly, although I have less spare time than ever before, I find myself missing sitting down and writing out an unnecessarily long-winded blog post every now and then! Finally, there's just too much interesting stuff coming up that I just have to talk about!

As such, I will be starting up a semi-rigid post-a-week structure, out every Friday night (or maybe Saturday... or Sunday) covering the latest developments in gaming news, personal projects, and maybe even some random stuff!

My next post will be covering the new Genestealer Cult and Deathwatch boxed set, Deathwatch: Overkill, partly because I love the Genestealer Cults of old, partly because I love the Deathwatch, and partly because I've already ordered a box which should be here in a couple of days (bearing in mind the general release is tomorrow!)

So keep 'em peeled for that, and from then on be sure to check back every week for new posts covering progress on my existing projects (the Blood Angels, Chaos warbands, etc. etc.) any new projects I pick up (Cold War Soviets in 20mm? You must be mad...) and any news the gets me going!

Until then, take care, and happy wargaming!