These are my 1st Company brothers as they stand right now. Half of them (the vanilla tacticals) are assembled with their torsos magnetised, and I've also magnetised almost all of their weapons options save for a storm bolter, power fist and chainfist, as I haven't needed to do them yet. Those guys just need a couple of heads, and most of their shoulder pads attaching, and then they're ready for basing and painting.
In a considerably less-built state are the Blood Angel Assault Terminators and the TDA Librarian, who require magnetising before they get attached to their bases. On a side note - these guys don't like standing up on their own, a couple of them are wobbly and one of them refuses to stay upright at all.
To the side stands Karlaen, along with the dead Terminator from Space Hulk and a pair of Teleport Homers, ready for basing and painting. I have a couple of ideas for more Objective Markers, but they'll have to wait for now.
I magnetised the Terminators using 2mm x 1mm Neodymium magnets, and a 1/16" drill bit in my pin vice. I've made sure that all the magnets face the same way - "outwards" on the torsos and "inwards" on the arms, meaning that all the arms are fully interchangeable, and I'll be doing the same with the rest of them. How - or if - I magnetise the BA Librarian remains to be seen, as I almost always use power axes on them, and I know I'll never give him a combi-melta... although it is a very nice weapon, so someone else might end up getting it instead.
That's it for the Blood Angels today, another update will be along when I make some more progress on them. As for other things going down - well, here's another hint on the Oriental project I have coming up;
And, with that, it's back to work for me. be sure to tune in next time for another dose of hobby, and happy gaming!