Monday, 12 January 2015

Update time - A new year of hobbying, and my projects for 2015!

Hello everyone, and welcome back to the blog! I was hoping to have my first year's post up last Friday, but various events ended up in the usual delay, so it's here today instead! In this post, I'm going to be going over my targets and projects for the coming months - with pictures!

First off, on the subject of pictures - hurrah!  I ended up getting a camera for Christmas, so once I've sorted out an SD card for it, I'll have lovely lovely pictures to show you all, rather than the usual dull blocks of text!

So, what's on my table at the moment?

Well, at this moment in time I have several different things going on, with the Terminators from Deathstorm currently awaiting their Assault Terminator brethren (so that I can split the iconography over the two squads so they don't look completely different) Next up, at the back you'll struggle to see a couple guys on one of my bitz boxes - they're scouts, but more on them later...
On the other side there are my three Deathwing Terminators - relics of a cancelled project but not yet forgotten - and three Uruk-Hai Warg riders, part of a much larger enterprise that I don't believe I've covered yet, but that's a story for another post.
Finally, there's an array of cast resin bases, bought from Daemonscape, which I purchased for an entirely new undertaking...

I've finally taken the dive! Malifaux has always been a game I've been interested in starting for a long time, drawn in by the exquisite miniatures and innovative gameplay mechanics. Over the holidays I ended up having a little more money spare than I'd anticipated, and so ended up (after consulting the Wyrd Forums and receiving tons of advice from the friendly denizens within) buying a crew, along with the rulebook and the Schemes and Strategies deck - sadly the fate deck I wanted was out of stock, so I'll be substituting a standard deck of cards until I can pick up the deck I'm after.

I'll go in to more depth on everything here, as well as wrapping up the D&D adventure I ran last year, and covering a Hail Caesar battle report from last week, in later posts. Speaking of which, this year I intend to have a much more rigid posting timetable - at the moment, I'm thinking Mondays and Fridays, but we'll see how it goes. And lastly, there is one more project on the horizon - something distinctly... Oriental...

Until then, happy gaming everyone!


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