Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Call Of Cthulhu - A trip to New Mexico!

Intrepid adventurers, eccentric scientists, and brave soldiers, all men probably willing to dive head-first into a world beneath the one we perceive as normal. However, more often than not, it isn't these such people who find themselves thrust into the eldritch unknown, but more likely just the incredibly naive or unlucky, those who have displeased the gods that be so much that they are karmically punished with exposure to the things that most of mankind is blissfully unaware of. Many such people are often drawn in entirely unknowingly, usually due to investigating something comparatively innocent, or even in some cases "normal."

One of these such investigators is the charming-yet-slightly-bonkers Lt. Tiddles Kenneth Alexander Hamilton II. An Antiquarian and collector of questionable heritage, and a tall but somewhat-slender man of 34, he is never seen in anything less than a fitted suit and his trademark bowler hat. Originally having owned an antique shop in a small town somewhere in Yorkshire which had, amongst other historical pieces, a large amount of militaria - this being the area of antiques in which he shows the most interest, his education shows he possesses a degree in Ancient Occult from Oxford University, although any information on his earlier life he chooses not to disclose. He was called up during the Great War, and served for 3 years firstly as a supplies transporter, and then as a frontlinesman where he quickly gained distinction and promotion, and fought with valour for his country. As his apparent interest in militaria may suggest, he is a great collector of firearms of every ilk - the more unusual and rare, the better. 

This pattern of collecting has continued even after the apparent arson of his antique shop during his investigation of local rumours of hoodlums in the local graveyard in connection with the then-recent attacks and murders of lone individuals in the night. After meeting several like-minded individuals during the investigation, and unearthing, and indeed experiencing, evidence the likes of which the mind boggles to comprehend, and of course the burning down of his shop to boot, he decided to end his career as a full time antiquarian and instead turn his attentions to investigation and removal of all things that may threaten the sanity of those less mentally sturdy than himself.

The ex-Lieutenant now has several cases under his belt, each somewhat more harrowing and dark than the last. He has taken to wearing a specially-tailored overcoat to hold the many handguns he carries, which are partly for comfort and partly as he enjoys marvelling at the rare side-arms he is able to employ. Whilst most of his inquests have taken place in England, and indeed mostly near his birthplace of Yorkshire, his line of work has inevitably taken him to several exotic places. Most recently he travelled with his fellow investigators to a small Italian island, to aid the Duke of said island in resolving an issue he was having in which many of the vessels travelling to and from it were inexplicably lost at sea. At this current point in time, he finds himself deep in the wilderness of New Mexico in a small mining town, investigating the apparent murder of an associate's friend of a friend. Having met this long time pen-pal correspondent at Miskatonic University beforehand, and formed a fast friendship with him, they have all travelled down to the fairly isolated town in order to inquire into recent events that may have some relation to the most recent untimely death.

That's where I'll leave it for today, a quick biography of my CoC character and a teaser for the adventure that we are currently a few sessions in to so far. I'll continue this series with a catch-up on the events as they stand in the current adventure over the weekend, after our next session. Until then, happy gaming!


P.S. Sorry for the long time between posts so far. I've been very busy with a big upcoming deadline for my college work, however as of this weekend I will be done with it and free to post a lot more, as I had originally intended. Peace!

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