Friday, 7 November 2014

Update time - one hectic week later!

Well, it's certainly been a busy week for me, and one in which I just haven't found the time to blog, or even partake in the hobby itself all that much. However, after a long week of work, I've finally gotten the time to sit down and write.

So, what have I been up to this week? Well, I've managed to get some Dark Eldar guys built for my army, got a couple of games of Saga in on Wednesday, and have had both D&D and CoC cancelled on me. I was hoping to post up a battle report for the second Saga game, but sadly due to time constraints and a very angry phone that didn't want to upload pictures, it never happened. I might attempt to upload the pictures again tomorrow when I have the time as it was a cracking game, so we'll see!

Tonight, in order to unwind after a fairly stressful week, I've gotten my mitts on some Wargames Factory Ancient Germans that I'm going to spend the evening assembling whilst watching some batreps on the good old internet. I picked Ancient Germans as they will work equally well for Saga and Hail Caesar - being included in the starter set of the latter - so expect to see them fairly often once I've gotten them built (and perhaps requisitioned myself a superior camera!)

Until then, happy gaming!


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