So, I haven't really talked about wargaming much at all so far on this blog, which is somewhat ironic as that's the reason I started it in the first place. So in this post, I'm going to talk a bit about my newest current project - a Warhammer 40k Deathwing army.
About a fortnight ago, I decided that I really needed to get my painting into gear. Like many other wargamers, the number of unpainted models I own far outweighs the number of painted ones, however my collection is a little worse than most others in that regard. You see, I actually dislike painting a great deal, and from a gameplay perspective I find no problem in fielding the classic grey plastic or spray undercoated armies that I've become fairly well known for locally. But deep down, my vast collection of unpainted minis has always troubled me. And so it was that I decided that something had to be done about it.
And so in step the Deathwing. An army based on (very) low model count, like the Grey Knights, and with a paint scheme that - while not overly complicated - is fairly easy to mess up. Count in the fact that I can pick up a Deathwing Terminator squad from Dark Vengeance for a mere £9 off eBay - as opposed to the 35 quid that Games Workshop sells the boxes for - and as a result I find I've come upon the perfect army to finally flex my underused painting muscles without bankrupting myself, and at the end of it having a pretty good army that I can use fairly effectively and most importantly have fun with.
Not only will they be serving as my painting impetus, the Deathwing are also going to be acting as my crash-course in magnetising models. It's not something I've done before, as I haven't really found the need to do so - big models like Dreadnoughts have arm tabs to push the arms on to, and I know what I want from Tactical Marines and the like in terms of equipment so I've built them with the wargear I always give them. However, the Terminator-armoured warriors of the 1st company offer me a good opportunity with which to experiment, both with wargear combinations and of course with magnetising such items on the models.
On the tabletop front, I've had a couple of proxy games with them so far, and I like their playstyle; turn 1 appear in the enemy's deployment whilst your mate asks why you bothered setting up a full 6x4 table for the battle. It's not a tactic that always works, but then again, what tactic does? I'm not looking for a super competitive army - my Chaos boys have that covered, an army with which I've only ever lost 2 games since 7th edition came in.
And so, I have myself a shopping list, which currently stands as
- 3x 5 man Deathwing Terminator squad - DV models most likely.
- 3x Deathwing Terminator boxes - from which I'll be making a Command squad, 8 Deathwing Knights, a Terminator Librarian and, of course, Belial himself.
- 3x Venerable Dreadnoughts along with;
- 3x Drop Pods - both of which will be for practising vehicle painting techniques, and also because Dreadnoughts are fun and offer some variety from Terminator-only lists.
- Appropriate paints - I've read/watched quite a few painting tutorials, and I have a pretty solid paint scheme planned out for the Deathwing guys, although the vehicles will require a little more improvisation.
I also have a couple of DV Terminators which I'll probably be using for test models, along with a very old and fairly haggard plastic Dreadnought which probably needs retiring from my Blood Angels by now. The next update for these guys will probably come when I have enough models in the process of building to show off! Until then, happy gaming!
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